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Github Slot Filling

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Intent Detection and Slot Filling is the task of interpreting user commands/queries by extracting the intent and the relevant slots.

Example (from ATIS):

  • AGIF: An Adaptive Graph-Interactive Framework for Joint Multiple Intent Detection and Slot Filling. Libo Qin, Xiao Xu, Wanxiang Che, Ting Liu.EMNLP 2020 Accept-Findings.
  • Include the markdown at the top of your GitHub file to showcase the performance of the model. Badges are live and will be dynamically.
  • Prior Knowledge Driven Label Embedding for Slot Filling in Natural Language Understanding. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (TASLP), vol. 1440-1451, 2020.


Slot Filling is a typical step after the NER. It can be formulated as: Given an entity of a certain type and a set of all possible values of this entity type provide a normalized form of the entity. In this model, the Slot Filling task is solved by Levenshtein Distance search across all known entities of a given type. turtle.refuel(amount) end: end: function back(length) for i=1, length, 1 do: if i9 then torch end -places a torch after the first 8 blocks and: if (i-8)%160 and i9 then torch end -then another every 16 blocks: turtle.back if ilength-1 and other.close then -closes the branch: turtle.placeUp end: end.

ATIS (Air Travel Information System) (Hemphill et al.) is a dataset by Microsoft CNTK. Available from the github page. The slots are labeled in the BIO (Inside Outside Beginning) format (similar to NER). This dataset contains only air travel related commands. Most of the ATIS results are based on the work here.

ModelSlot F1 ScoreIntent AccuracyPaper / SourceCode
Bi-model with decoder96.8998.99A Bi-model based RNN Semantic Frame Parsing Model for Intent Detection and Slot Filling
Stack-Propagation + BERT96.1097.50A Stack-Propagation Framework with Token-level Intent Detection for Spoken Language UnderstandingOfficial
Stack-Propagation95.9096.90A Stack-Propagation Framework with Token-level Intent Detection for Spoken Language UnderstandingOfficial
Attention Encoder-Decoder NN95.8798.43Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network Models for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling
SF-ID (BLSTM) network95.8097.76A Novel Bi-directional Interrelated Model for Joint Intent Detection and Slot FillingOfficial
Context Encoder95.80NAImproving Slot Filling by Utilizing Contextual Information
Capsule-NLU95.2095.00Joint Slot Filling and Intent Detection via Capsule Neural NetworksOfficial
Joint GRU model(W)95.4998.10A Joint Model of Intent Determination and Slot Filling for Spoken Language Understanding
Slot-Gated BLSTM with Attension95.2094.10Slot-Gated Modeling for Joint Slot Filling and Intent PredictionOfficial
Joint model with recurrent slot label context94.6498.40Joint Online Spoken Language Understanding and Language Modeling with Recurrent Neural NetworksOfficial
Encoder-labeler Deep LSTM95.66NALeveraging Sentence-level Information with Encoder LSTM for Natural Language Understanding
RNN with Label Sampling94.89NARecurrent Neural Network Structured Output Prediction for Spoken Language Understanding
Hybrid RNN95.06NAUsing recurrent neural networks for slot filling in spoken language understanding.
RNN-EM95.25NARecurrent neural networks with external memory for language understanding
CNN-CRF94.35NAConvolutional neural network based triangular crf for joint intent detection and slot filling


SNIPS is a dataset by for Intent Detection and Slot Filling benchmarking. Available from the github page. This dataset contains several day to day user command categories (e.g. play a song, book a restaurant).

ModelSlot F1 ScoreIntent AccuracyPaper / SourceCode
Stack-Propagation + BERT97.0099.00A Stack-Propagation Framework with Token-level Intent Detection for Spoken Language UnderstandingOfficial
Stack-Propagation94.2098.00A Stack-Propagation Framework with Token-level Intent Detection for Spoken Language UnderstandingOfficial
Context Encoder93.60NAImproving Slot Filling by Utilizing Contextual Information
SF-ID (BLSTM) network92.2397.43A Novel Bi-directional Interrelated Model for Joint Intent Detection and Slot FillingOfficial
Capsule-NLU91.8097.70Joint Slot Filling and Intent Detection via Capsule Neural NetworksOfficial
Slot-Gated BLSTM with Attension88.8097.00Slot-Gated Modeling for Joint Slot Filling and Intent PredictionOfficial

A responsive image polyfill

Officially endorsed by the RICG

The picture element, srcset and sizes attributes, and associated features allow web developers to deliver an appropriate image to every user depending on a variety of conditions like screen size, viewport size, screen resolution, and more. Picturefill enables support for the picture element and associated features in browsers that do not yet support them, so you can start using them today!

Picturefill development is sponsored by and , and maintained by the Picturefill Team. Ongoing discussion of the project is conducted via Slack.

Contributing, Bug Reports, and More information

For more information on the development of Picturefill and how you can file bugs or contribute fixes, check out the project on GitHub.

Downloading Picturefill

Picturefill Version 3.0.2 (Stable)

Version 3 is a full rewrite of the Picturefill codebase, featuring optimized performance, better emulation of native behavior, and parsers that adhere much more closely to the specification. It also handles many of the quirks, shortcomings, and edge cases related to first-generation native implementations.

Feedback on this release is highly welcomed—if you encounter any problems, please file an issue on GitHub.

Github Slot Filling Tool

Picturefill Version 2.3.1

Picturefill 2 is a lightweight polyfill that may not perfectly match native responsive images behavior. Please note however that because of a recently-fixed bug, you should absolutely not be using any version of Picturefill prior to 2.3.1. If you are, please update immediately. These downloads include the matchMedia polyfill for browsers that need it (like IE9).

Getting Started with Picturefill

To start using Picturefill download one of the files listed above and reference it from the head section of your HTML document with the following code:

To allow your page to load more efficiently, we'd recommend adding an async attribute to that script tag as well. This tells the browser that it can load picturefill asynchronously, without waiting for it to finish before loading the rest of the document. If you add this attribute, you'll need to add a line of script before the script tag as well to allow older browsers to recognize picture elements if it encounters them in the page before picturefill has finished loading.

Recommended Usage:

Note that if you are already including a recent version of the HTML5 Shiv (sometimes packaged with Modernizr), you may not need this line as it is included there as well. Also, more advanced users may not need this may choose to load Picturefill dynamically using a script loader like Require.js, (AMD and CommonJS support is included in the script).

Markup Patterns

Once you've included picturefill.js, you can start adding responsive image elements to your site! Casino near arnold ca. Picturefill adds support for the the entire suite of responsive image solutions, including the picture element and new img element attributes.

There are a number of different use cases addressed by some combination of features from the responsive images specification—here are some of the most common ones:

Using the `srcset` attribute

The srcset attribute (without sizes) is used to serve larger—but otherwise identical—image sources to high resolution displays only.

Here's how that renders on your display:

Github slot filling tools

If the intrinsic dimension plugin is installed: The 2x source will be automatically scaled down by 2 — so that the image will occupy the same space in your layout as the 1x, but the 2x source will be displayed at double the pixel density. This only applies to the natural size of the img—resizing the image via CSS or with the width content attribute will behave as expected.

Closest casino to ventura california attractions. Modern browsers that support srcset natively may select a cached file that meets the minimum media condition, even if it is 'overkill' for the current media condition. For example, a 2x file may be shown on a 1x device, if that 2x file is already in the cache—there'd be no reason to make an additional request when the user will see no discernable difference, after all. This is typically encountered only on sites with multiple versions of the same image displayed in multiple elements at different sizes (like our demo page). The occasional selection of 'oversize' resources—depending on the cache—is currently an expected behavior in native implementations and you may encounter it during testing.

Eventually srcset will be extended to allow the browser to override requests for higher-resolution options based on a bandwidth limitations or a user preference (see #9 in the Responsive Images Use Cases and Requirements).

Using the `srcset` & `sizes` attributes

Catalogue promo geant casino montceau les mines. The srcset and sizes syntaxes are used to provide the browser with a list of image sources that are identical apart from their size (same aspect ratio, same focal point) and how they'll be displayed, then allow the browser to choose the source best for the user's current viewport size, display density, and the size of that image in the page layout.

Here's how that renders on your display at your current viewport size:

Standalone srcset

Slot Filling Github

and sizes demo

The sizes syntax is used to define the spaces your image will occupy in your layout. srcset then defines a list of images and their inherent widths. This allows the browser to choose the smallest appropriate source for the size available in that part of the layout, rather than the viewport size alone.

It's beyond the scope of this guide to get into much detail about how to use the new srcset & sizes attributes so we'd highly recommend reading the following post by Eric Portis: Srcset and Sizes. Keep in mind that the same caching behavior is applied to this usage of srcset, as well.

Github Slot Filling Tools

Using the `picture` element

The picture element is used when you need explicit control over which source is shown at set viewport sizes.

The picture element requires a little more markup than the example above, but it allows you to use features like CSS3 Media Queries to pair image source with varying sizes, zoom levels, and aspect ratios with the layout conditions in your designs. It should not, however, be used to serve radically different image sources—all sources must be described by the alt attribute of the inner img.

Here's how that renders at your current viewport size:

Standalone picture demo

Your picture element should contain a series of source elements followed by an img element. Each source element must have a srcset attribute specifying one or more image url sources (which can use expanded srcset syntax if desired for resolution switching), and the img element should have a srcset attribute for fallback purposes as well (some browsers like Android 2.3's won't see the source elements). Additionally, you may add a media attribute containing CSS3 Media Queries, and/or a sizes attribute to pair with srcset.

The first source with a media attribute that matches the user's context will determine the src of the img element at the end, so you'll want to present larger options first when using min-width media queries (like in the examples below), and larger options last when using max-width media queries. Since these image sources are meant to align with layout breakpoints, srcset's caching behavior and the potential for a bandwidth or user preference override do not apply here.

Supporting Picture in Internet Explorer 9

While most versions of IE (even older ones!) are supported well, IE9 has a little conflict to work around. To support IE9, you will need to wrap a video element wrapper around the source elements in your picture tag. You can do this using conditional comments, like so:

Preventing the Flash of Wrong Image™ on Safari

Sometimes when using picturefill in Safari, the wrong image may briefly load before the correct source had been chosen. We call this the Flash of Wrong Image™. The only way to prevent this is by removing the src and srcset on the fallback image. It's important to note, however, that this may cause the image from displaying on old android devices (2.3).

`media` and `srcset` syntax:

The 1x/2x syntax can be used within source element srcset attributes as a shorthand for more complex resolution media queries.

Standalone extended picture demo

The `type` attribute in `picture`

The types attribute is used to send an alternate image source format only to browsers that support that format, and a fallback source to browsers that do not. Unlike existing solutions, the picture element makes these negotiations using a single request.

Picturefill supports SVG and WebP as part of its core, but the following MIME types can be used via the 'typesupport' plugin:

  • image/bmp
  • image/xbmp
  • image/jp2
  • image/
  • video/vnd.mozilla.apng

Here's how that renders in your browser:

Standalone type attribute demo

Picturefill JavaScript API

Under ordinary circumstances, you likely won't need to do more than include picturefill.js in your page, but in some situations you may want to run picturefill's function manually yourself, and there are a few options to keep in mind:

The Picturefill function

Picturefill.js exposes a single global function: the picturefill() function. picturefill() is automatically called one or more times while a page is loading, and it also is triggered when the browser window is resized (or on orientation change). You can run the picturefill() function at any time in JavaScript yourself as well, which may be useful after making updates to the DOM, or when conditions relevant to your application change:

Github Slot Filling

If the intrinsic dimension plugin is installed: The 2x source will be automatically scaled down by 2 — so that the image will occupy the same space in your layout as the 1x, but the 2x source will be displayed at double the pixel density. This only applies to the natural size of the img—resizing the image via CSS or with the width content attribute will behave as expected.

Closest casino to ventura california attractions. Modern browsers that support srcset natively may select a cached file that meets the minimum media condition, even if it is 'overkill' for the current media condition. For example, a 2x file may be shown on a 1x device, if that 2x file is already in the cache—there'd be no reason to make an additional request when the user will see no discernable difference, after all. This is typically encountered only on sites with multiple versions of the same image displayed in multiple elements at different sizes (like our demo page). The occasional selection of 'oversize' resources—depending on the cache—is currently an expected behavior in native implementations and you may encounter it during testing.

Eventually srcset will be extended to allow the browser to override requests for higher-resolution options based on a bandwidth limitations or a user preference (see #9 in the Responsive Images Use Cases and Requirements).

Using the `srcset` & `sizes` attributes

Catalogue promo geant casino montceau les mines. The srcset and sizes syntaxes are used to provide the browser with a list of image sources that are identical apart from their size (same aspect ratio, same focal point) and how they'll be displayed, then allow the browser to choose the source best for the user's current viewport size, display density, and the size of that image in the page layout.

Here's how that renders on your display at your current viewport size:

Standalone srcset

Slot Filling Github

and sizes demo

The sizes syntax is used to define the spaces your image will occupy in your layout. srcset then defines a list of images and their inherent widths. This allows the browser to choose the smallest appropriate source for the size available in that part of the layout, rather than the viewport size alone.

It's beyond the scope of this guide to get into much detail about how to use the new srcset & sizes attributes so we'd highly recommend reading the following post by Eric Portis: Srcset and Sizes. Keep in mind that the same caching behavior is applied to this usage of srcset, as well.

Github Slot Filling Tools

Using the `picture` element

The picture element is used when you need explicit control over which source is shown at set viewport sizes.

The picture element requires a little more markup than the example above, but it allows you to use features like CSS3 Media Queries to pair image source with varying sizes, zoom levels, and aspect ratios with the layout conditions in your designs. It should not, however, be used to serve radically different image sources—all sources must be described by the alt attribute of the inner img.

Here's how that renders at your current viewport size:

Standalone picture demo

Your picture element should contain a series of source elements followed by an img element. Each source element must have a srcset attribute specifying one or more image url sources (which can use expanded srcset syntax if desired for resolution switching), and the img element should have a srcset attribute for fallback purposes as well (some browsers like Android 2.3's won't see the source elements). Additionally, you may add a media attribute containing CSS3 Media Queries, and/or a sizes attribute to pair with srcset.

The first source with a media attribute that matches the user's context will determine the src of the img element at the end, so you'll want to present larger options first when using min-width media queries (like in the examples below), and larger options last when using max-width media queries. Since these image sources are meant to align with layout breakpoints, srcset's caching behavior and the potential for a bandwidth or user preference override do not apply here.

Supporting Picture in Internet Explorer 9

While most versions of IE (even older ones!) are supported well, IE9 has a little conflict to work around. To support IE9, you will need to wrap a video element wrapper around the source elements in your picture tag. You can do this using conditional comments, like so:

Preventing the Flash of Wrong Image™ on Safari

Sometimes when using picturefill in Safari, the wrong image may briefly load before the correct source had been chosen. We call this the Flash of Wrong Image™. The only way to prevent this is by removing the src and srcset on the fallback image. It's important to note, however, that this may cause the image from displaying on old android devices (2.3).

`media` and `srcset` syntax:

The 1x/2x syntax can be used within source element srcset attributes as a shorthand for more complex resolution media queries.

Standalone extended picture demo

The `type` attribute in `picture`

The types attribute is used to send an alternate image source format only to browsers that support that format, and a fallback source to browsers that do not. Unlike existing solutions, the picture element makes these negotiations using a single request.

Picturefill supports SVG and WebP as part of its core, but the following MIME types can be used via the 'typesupport' plugin:

  • image/bmp
  • image/xbmp
  • image/jp2
  • image/
  • video/vnd.mozilla.apng

Here's how that renders in your browser:

Standalone type attribute demo

Picturefill JavaScript API

Under ordinary circumstances, you likely won't need to do more than include picturefill.js in your page, but in some situations you may want to run picturefill's function manually yourself, and there are a few options to keep in mind:

The Picturefill function

Picturefill.js exposes a single global function: the picturefill() function. picturefill() is automatically called one or more times while a page is loading, and it also is triggered when the browser window is resized (or on orientation change). You can run the picturefill() function at any time in JavaScript yourself as well, which may be useful after making updates to the DOM, or when conditions relevant to your application change:

Github Slot Filling Machine

Picturefill function options

When running the picturefill() function, you can pass options specifying the following configuration options:

  • Elements: An array of img elements you'd like picturefill to evaluate. The Default value for options.elements is all img elements in the page that have a srcset attribute or have a picture element as a direct parent.
  • Reevaluate: If you dynamically change the srcset, sizes attributes, or modify source elements, please use this reevaluate option and provide an array or array-like object of your mutated img elements. As an alternative the mutation plugin can be used.

Picturefill plugins/extensions

Picturefill core polyfills the core part of responsive images, including full support for srcset, sizes and picture/source.

Some aspects of the native feature are left out to provide a clean and lightweight polyfill. In case you need a specific behavior of the native implementation not included in picturefill core, just add the corresponding plugin. The best way is to merge all scripts together.

  • intrinsic dimension: This extension adds support for intrinsic dimension behavior of responsive images. It's useful when you don't style your images with CSS.
  • Mutation plugin: This plugin automatically detects any DOM mutation and polyfills new or changed responsive images automatically. It also adds support for responsive images IDL attributes/properties. If you have a highly dynamic website or a SPA you probably want to use this plugin. (This plugin does not work with IE8.)
  • Type support: This plugin extends support for the source[type] attribute and detects JPG2000, APNG and JPEG XR support. If you want to use new image formats you probably want to use this plugin.
  • OldIE (IE6/7): picturefill supports most browsers including IE8+. In case you need to support IE6/7, you can combine the oldIE plugin with jQuery to add support for these browsers.

Source selection algorithm option

By default Picturefill attempts to mimic the resource selection algorithms current native implementations, but Picturefill 3 also includes an optional and experimental custom source selection algorithm. The saveData algorithm skews the resource selection algorithm toward smaller image candidates(2x on extremely high dppx devices (3x and up), to conserve bandwidth in situations where there may be little or no visual difference between sources.

To use saveData, create a picturefillCFG array that runs before picturefill:

Developer feedback on this new algorithm is highly welcomed. We'd love to see some data around potential bandwidth savings, and this data may go on to inform native responsive image implementations in the future.

Browser Support

Slot Filling Github

Picturefill supports a broad range of browsers and devices, provided that you stick with the markup conventions documented above.

Support caveats

Picturefill is tested broadly and works in a large number of browsers. That said, it does have some browser support considerations to keep in mind:

Github Slot Filling Software

  • Picturefill 3 includes a small shim that polyfills common media conditions for IE9 and earlier (min-width, max-width, min-height, and max-height). If you need old IE support for other media conditions, such as orientation or aspect-ratio, please additionally include the matchMedia polyfill.
  • JS-Disabled Browsers only see alt text: When using the picture element, non-picture supporting browsers will only see alt attribute text as a fallback when JavaScript fails or is disabled. This is because any noscript-based workarounds (such as the one used in Picturefill version 1) will cause future browsers that support the picture element to show two images instead of one when JavaScript is off. Unfortunately, adding a src attribute with an external source to the img element in your picture element isn't a good workaround either, as any browser that exists today will fetch that src url even if it is not going to be used (which is wasteful), and an empty src can result in unexpected requests. For valid markup, the shortest possible value for src (without firing an onerror event or a potential request) is
  • Temporary extra HTTP Requests for picture usage in some browsers: In browsers that natively support srcset but do not yet support the picture element, users may experience a wasted HTTP request for each picture element on a page. This is because the browser's preparser will fetch one of the URLs listed in the picture element's child img's srcset attribute as soon as possible during page load, before the JavaScript can evaluate the potential picturesource elements for a better match. This problem will only affect browsers that have implemented srcset but not picture, which will hopefully be short-lived.
  • Source element limitations: Browsers like Android 2.3 and Internet Explorer 9 can not see the source elements inside a picture element. For IE, the video tag workaround helps us avoid this problem, but Android will still have no access to source elements. Be sure to provide a srcset attribute on your enclosed img to ensure an image will show in this browser.
  • Media attribute support requires native media query supportThe picture element (paired with picturefill) works best in browsers that support CSS3 media queries. Picturefill includes the matchMedia polyfill by default, which makes matchMedia work in media query-supporting browsers that don't support matchMedia.

broken image